So you’ve lost your shit. No shit, no worries I did too and if I hadn’t this blog would have never come about so thank fuck I did. Sometimes we have to lose things in order to find better things. Things we had forgotten or things we didn’t even know were hidden in the cupboard of doom, or underneath the sofa cushion (note to self must ask partner to hoover there!)
I’m Deanna. I am a relatively successful writer and performer. I facilitate and curate events and have travelled the world and now I have a child. I got up the duff by my Bristol booty call and now live in Bristol with this baby daddy. (Truth be told I loved him the moment he sat with me on the floor of my local 24 hour Tesco cos I was too drunk use my legs… anyway more on embarrassment later) this is a book I wrote in my head in my shower whilst literally and metaphorically washing my hair. My kid had gone on sleep strike and I was losing my shit. So i began to give myself advice tips and tricks to make it through what felt would be the end of me. Not the kid, the kid was fine, just the end of me. The living death of my zest for life. The end of all sense of self, the end of my grasp of calm rational. I felt like i was dissolving in acid, my brain was blitzed and I had no goodness left to give.
How to use this blog:
However you damn well want to. Seriously. Appropriate as you want - scroll, share, scan, print and stick, comment. Try the ideas, cuss the ideas, give up on the ideas, make up your own ideas. This is a blog to give momentum to the relentlessness. You doing anything out of the norm is momentous.
Use before, during, or after you’ve lost your shit.